Lose yourself in the lush tones of our premium pink roses, snapdragons and striking calla lilies. In this plush bouquet they’re joined by an assortment of the finest foliage selected by our florists to add vibrancy and texture.
Delivery is available Monday to Sunday throughout the UK with same day service in London, next day for rest of the UK.
Regular - 7x Peach Roses, 7x Red Calla Lilies, 7x Red Snapdragons, 7x Astilbe, 1x Bunch of Seasonal Greenery
Large - 9x Peach Roses, 9x Red Calla Lilies, 9x Red Snapdragons, 9x Astilbe, 1.5x Bunch of Seasonal Greenery
Deluxe - 11x Peach Roses, 11x Red Calla Lilies, 11x Red Snapdragons, 11x Astilbe, 2x Bunch of Seasonal Greenery