Bright and cheerful is the theme for this bouquet! Soft pastel tones in the lisianthus combine with these beautiful two toned pink roses to make this gorgeous bouquet. We've finished this with some of our favourite fillers of the season, veronicas and hypericum berries, with interspersed blue-grey eucalyptus to create a truly stunning bouquet.
Delivery is available Monday to Sunday throughout the UK with same day service in London, next day for rest of the UK.
Regular - 5 peach roses, 5 pink lisianthus, 5 yellow craspedia, 3 orange blooms, 3 orange asclepia, 3 white wax, 1 bunch of seasonal greenery
Large - 8 peach roses, 8 pink lisianthus, 8 yellow craspedia, 5 orange blooms, 5 orange asclepia, 5 white wax, 1.5 bunches of seasonal greenery
Deluxe - 11 peach roses, 11 pink lisianthus, 11 yellow craspedia, 7 orange blooms, 7 orange asclepia, 7 white wax, 2 bunches of seasonal greenery