This playful and bright colour palette creates the basis for this enchanting bouquet. Fuchsia spray roses with hot pink roses and pink astilbe establish this fun and feminine design. Wilder in style but elegant as ever, this design is contrasted with dainty white alstroemeria and nigella white to form a dreamy display. Finished with lightly fragrant rosemary and seasonal greenery, this bouquet makes for a lovely gift for a friend or loved one with its romantic yet youthful charm.
Delivery is available Monday to Sunday throughout the UK with same day service in London, next day for rest of the UK.
Regular - 5 Hot pink roses, 5 Hot pink spray roses, 5 white wax flower, 5 red astilbe, 3 pink snapdragon, 1 bunch of asparagus and rosemary
Large - 7 Hot pink roses, 7 Hot pink spray roses, 7 white wax flower, 7 red astilbe, 5 pink snapdragon, 1.5 bunches of asparagus and rosemary
Deluxe - 9 pink roses, 9 Hot pink spray roses, 9 white wax flower, 9 red astilbe, 7 pink snapdragon, 2 bunches of asparagus and rosemary